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Earnings Type Home Page

Earnings Type & Description

Earnings Type When Is It Used? Employment Type(s)/Limitations How Calculated / FTE / How Initiated


Exempted Annual Leave Payoff

Payment for unused vacation leave at the time of an employee's separation from the UW.

This applies to hours exceeding 240 for employees in PERS 1 retirement plan, and for ALL hours for employees in all other retirement plans (PERS 2, UWRP, TRS, etc.).


Professional Staff

Classified Non-Union

Contract Classified

Health Physicians

Printing Services

No limitations within designated employment types.

Academic Staff
  • 0417 Educator 3
  • 0418 Educator 2
  • 0419 Educator 1

Use limited to these job class codes only.

Eligible vacation hours x 0.0063 x full-time monthly salary


Upper Campus & Health Sciences:

  • Departments - UW form #1349 (Separation Payment Authorization)


  • UW form #1349 (Separation Payment Authorization)