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Earnings Type Home Page

Earnings Type & Description

Earnings Type When Is It Used? Employment Type(s)/Limitations How Calculated / FTE / How Initiated


Assignment Pay

The Employer agrees to pay a premium rate of at least $1.75 per hour above an employee's base salary for the time an employee works in any of the following assignments:

1. While wearing a fall protection safety harness, when required by an approved Fall Protection Work Plan. While working with a fall protection monitor, when required by an approved Fall Protection Work Plan.

2. While wearing a fitted, reusable respirator or supplied air respirator (PAPR, SCBA, etc.) when required by an approved Work Plan.

3. While working in a Permitted confined space, with appropriate permits.

4. When wearing a fall protection safety harness as required for specific Aerial Personnel Lift equipment or suspended platforms in accordance with WISHA standards (currently 10').

When an employee performs qualifying work less than 1 hour, they will be paid a minimum of one hour per day of assignment pay. Work exceeding one hour per day will be paid based on actual time worked.

Contract Classified jobs represented by the UW/WFSE Master Contract (including Skilled Trades).


Eligible hours x $1.75 per hour


Department - ETR