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Earnings Type Home Page

Earnings Type & Description

Earnings Type When Is It Used? Employment Type(s)/Limitations How Calculated / FTE / How Initiated


Excess Compensation

For work performed outside the employee's normal appointment and above a full-time (100% FTE) workload.

Faculty eligibility for E/C is cited in Faculty Handbook. E/C may not be paid from research grants and contracts.

The maximum allowable E/C payment is 25% above the employee's regular semi-monthly gross salary.

Professional Staff eligibility is cited in the Professional Staff Program. Specific contracts may vary.



Academic Personnel

No limitations within designated employment types.


Staff - Overtime Exempt

Hall Health Physicians


% of FTE as in E/C form - converted from flat fixed amount, except for professional staff who may receive payment of specific contracts.


Department completes OPUS entry and pastes approvals in notes section. The OPUS Instructions provide information on OPUS processing.