The 2024-25 Distinguished Staff Award honors individuals and teams that exemplify UW staff excellence in the following categories:
Collaboration: Has made an outstanding achievement or provides ongoing excellence through effective collaboration.
Innovation: Has created lasting change through implementing an innovative solution to a complex problem or driving a significant effort that enhanced service and/or efficiency.
Impact: Has made a significant impact at the UW. The results of the impact can be at the team, department or institution level or have helped a specific audience or community.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Has contributed to building welcoming and respectful learning and working environments and/or whose work promotes access, opportunity and justice.
Career achievement: Has dedicated many years of service to the UW and has demonstrated excellence throughout their career. (Only available for individual nominations.)

Who can be nominated for a Distinguished Staff Award?
Individuals or teams in contract-covered, classified non-union and professional staff positions with a regular appointment and who have been employed at the UW for a minimum of six months as of October 1, 2024 (start date prior to April 1, 2024). Team nominations must be primarily composed of staff, but may include faculty, students or others in the UW community.

Program updates
The Distinguished Staff Awards program has a streamlined application process and more transparent selection process. See Award Process and Timeline for more details.

Other ways to recognize UW staff
If you are nominating an individual because of their demonstrated excellence as a leader or their proven impact on public service, please consider submitting your nomination to the Awards of Excellence programs dedicated to those areas: