
Program Series Range Increases

Last updated: July 26, 2018.

Effective July 1, 2018, the University implemented range increases for employees in the Program Assistant, Program Coordinator, Program Support Supervisor 1, and Program Support Supervisor 2 classifications as shown in the table below:

All employees will be placed on the new range using value-to-value placement; meaning employees are moved to the pay step on the new range that is closest to but not less than their current pay as of 7/1/18. A section of the B4 table is pasted below to provide an example of value-to-value placement: an employee on range 35, step E ($2982) will move to range 37, step C ($2982) effective 7/1/18.

Hourly paid employees in these job profiles whose hourly rate falls below the new range were brought up to the new hourly rate minimum. All impacted employees can now see the changes reflected in Workday and will be paid according to their new pay rates on the 7/25 paycheck.

New classification specifications and updated pay tables are available on the compensation webpage.

For questions about employees on the Seattle, Bothell or Tacoma campuses, please contact Campus Compensation at

Questions about employees in the Medical Centers should be directed to Medical Centers Compensation at