Labor Relations

Negotiations Update for September 20, 2013

UW Last, Best, and Final Proposal

In an effort to reach a final agreement, UW presented AFT with its last, best, and final settlement offer. This comprehensive proposal addresses all provisions that to date remained unsettled.

Key components included:

Upon ratification of the contract, all extension lecturers would receive a base salary increase of 2 percent or greater. The minimum base salary for extension lecturers would be raised to $3,600 per month for a full-time teaching load. In cases where this does not provide for an increase of 2 percent or greater, lecturers would have their base salary adjusted to be 2 percent greater than it was before ratification.
Every September during the contract term, UW would allocate for annual 2 percent salary increases, with the potential for extension lecturers to receive more or less than 2 percent based on their performance. Additionally, Lead Teacher pay would increase to $1,250 per quarter.
Priority Hiring List
Priority for class assignments as well as 9-month and 11.5-month contracts would be given to extension lecturers based on their performance and engagement in the department. Performance evaluations would guide this, and points of emphasis would include innovative teaching techniques, curricular materials, and collaboration and mentorship.
Professional Development
Professional development funds for each lecturer would not be subject to a maximum allowance. Instead, UW would fund professional development based on what each extension lecturer’s approved training requires.
Probationary Period
Extension lecturers would be eligible to exit the probationary period after the sooner of two full-time quarters or six courses. IELP management would observe, guide, and mentor lecturers in the probationary period as often as is possible and appropriate.

Next Steps

UW recommended that AFT present this proposal to its membership for a ratification vote.